My Thoughts on the Immigration Issue

There’s been a lot of talk lately on the issue of illegal immigration. A lot of people, especially on the political left, are freaking out about the treatment of the people who cross the US border “illegally”. In particular it is the policy of removing the children from their parents in the cases of migrant families. The official explanation for this policy is that they didn’t want to put children in a jail cell with their “criminal” parents. I suppose this makes sense… if you consider people trying to find a better life for their families as mere criminals.

At this point I would like to point out that I am not a Trump supporter in any way. I did not, would not, and will not vote for him or anyone like him. Ever.

That being said, these immigration policies are not just Trumps policies. They have been in effect and enforced in varying degrees for many years and several Presidents before now. Under the current administration they might have been slightly more zealous in enforcing those laws, but the laws have been there for a while. To Trumps credit, though, he actually did, in response to public outcry, sign an Executive Order stopping that practice, and that is a good thing.

The big question I want to ask is, why is the media all of the sudden outraged about it now? Why are they just now reporting on it when much of it dates back to Clinton?

It seems to me that those media people really don’t give a damn about those kids, except for how they can exploit the situation for their own political brownie points. That’s the part that upsets me the most, that those families have to go through all that crap just for the sake of some asshats (on both sides) for their political grandstanding.

Meanwhile, what we should be asking is, what is it that makes people feel so strongly that they need to emigrate from their country to another that they are willing to risk the safety of their children to do so.  I’m sure many of these people would much rather stay home with their children if they thought it was safe and their needs were being met.  Many of the countries people are coming from have plenty of resources and should be able to provide for their people.  So why don’t they?  Why are conditions so poor in those resource rich countries that people feel they must pack up their families and leave.  And why do they feel that way so urgently that they risk their very lives and the lives of their children to try to sneak in “illegally”?  Why is no one asking these questions?

Those in the main stream media usually don’t address that aspect of the immigration issue, or at most will say, or at least insinuate, that the immigrants home countries are poor “third world” countries, or “developing countries” rife with corruption.  I definitely agree with the corruption part, but I don’t think it is limited to, or perhaps even originates from, the countries in question.  I think it comes from those countries’ resources being majorly exploited by the West, and the US in particular.

John Perkins was a guy who’s job it was to facilitate the exploiting of countries.  That is until he found his conscience and quit doing it.  He wrote a book about it titled Confessions of an Economic Hit Man where he talks about his job, which was basically to cheat countries around the globe out of trillions of dollars using tools like fraudulent financial reports, rigged elections, payoffs, extortion, sex, and murder.  Basically his job was to convince countries that are strategically important to the U.S. to accept enormous loans for infrastructure development, and to make sure that the lucrative projects were contracted to U. S. corporations. Saddled with huge debts, these countries came under the control of the United States government, World Bank and other U.S.-dominated aid agencies that acted like loan sharks—dictating repayment terms and bullying foreign governments into submission.

John did an extended interview and was featured in the 2008 movie Zeitgeist Addendum where he also talks extensively about his experiences.

When the Economic Hit men can’t get it done, then the next step, apparently, is direct military action.  In my opinion this is a large part of the reason the US has been bombing the Middle East for the last… well, it seems like forever.

So, to me it seem like the best solution to the whole big immigration problem is to get our governments to stop extorting, exploiting, and/or bombing the crap out of all these other countries.  The US needs to just let them keep their resources and money so they can take care of their own people.  Then the people won’t have to risk their lives and their children to escape the bad situation that is forced upon them.

Thanks for reading!  Peace!  🙂

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